If we take every ConfigurableCorePool
as a state machine, then a SimulatorRoadmapManager
can be taken as PoolState
container as well as ConfigurableCorePool
manager. At this point, every state machine can be expanded as a roadmap of states.
First let's get the instance of SimulatorRoadmapManager
from SimulatorClient
You can list and check all ConfigurableCorePool
created by Tuner within the program.
With a ConfigurableCorePool
id, Tuner can print route from the first pool state to current pool state of the state machine in pretty format.
Also you can persist the route for selecting them in the internal database later.
Then load the roadmap and print the route in pretty format.
Note: As the storage scale of Uniswap V3 CorePool(up to 160,000+ Ticks and unlimited Positions), frequent persistence of route as well as snapshot is not recommended. Please pay attention to space cost.
Last updated